Thursday, October 31, 2019

How to deal with an angry customer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

How to deal with an angry customer - Essay Example Tell the customer that there are solutions and the company can resolve any problems they are having. There needs to be a statement such as finding the root of the problem and looking toward potential solutions. For instance, if a customer has a broken item, they can come back to the store and replace it or can receive a refund. If it is a service, such as a programming problem with the computer, then using resources the company has to fix the problem, such as troubleshooting, can also be used. (Leadership Tools, 1). After the customer has left, a follow through should be approached. A call or note to make sure the problem is resolved should always be looked into. If it isn’t resolved, find another company solution to provide assistance. If everything is resolved, there should be another follow through to make sure everything is correct while asking the customer if they are satisfied with the solution and service that has been offered (Business Opportunities, 1). Business Opportunities. â€Å"How to Deal with Angry Customers.† Business Opportunities and Ideas. Retrieved from:,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Environmental Depletion Essay Example for Free

Environmental Depletion Essay 1. Individuals are affected by the environment in different ways. The environment is an essential element in mans daily sustenance. The environment is the source of fresh air which humans breath in order to live, the source of fruits and vegetables that are necessary for the better functioning of the body, and the care taker of nature which provides man with a serene view of the world. The environment is also the source of trees and other raw materials that are used in the production of the basic needs of the modern world. The environment aids man in so many ways that living without it is totally indispensable for the survival of man. However, the many blessings and benefits which man derives from the environment have caused greed and abuse. The environment, as many theorize is very sick because of mans lack of concern for it. Instead of striving to preserve and/ or cultivate all that the environment has to offer, man continues to abuse and show lack of care for the environment. Thus, the world now is experiencing too many nature related tragedies. The tragedies that are happening and the climate changes as well as global warming are all the result of mans depletion of the earths natural resource. Everything which the environment has to offer has been continually abused by man and utilized commercially to satisfy their greed for profit. What man forgets is that whatever he does with the environment will be done to him two fold. Aside from the physical effects, changes in the environment can also have physiologic and psychological effects to man. If the temperature is hot and dry, man tends to be sweaty and thirsty while if the temperature is cold, the body of man tends to cling on to something that will provide him warmth. Psychologically, a hot temperature will most likely cause man to be easily irritated and annoyed. More often than not, the patience is man is shorter when it is hot as compared when the temperature is cold. In addition, if the environment to which man lives in is rowdy or in chaos or there is too much pollution, the tendency of man is also to feel and act in chaos whereas if the environment is serene, man, most often than not, will feel relaxed and relieved. A busy and crowded environment may lead to stress but a lax setting may temper the mind and feelings of man. Individuals, generally, act in accordance with what they see and feel from the environment. There are only a few people who do not feel affected with what is happening in their environment, these are the people who have high tolerance and have a high sense of discipline to detach themselves from the environment where they are. 2. In the past five years, there has been an increased awareness in the environment because man has been feeling the wrath of nature. The effects of the pollution of the water, the seas and rivers, the air and the noise pollution that are felt world wide are starting to cause serious trouble to mans daily existence. There has been too much pollution around that man can hardly enjoy the benefits which nature used to offer. The climate changes, global warming, extinction of plants, animals and fishes, melting of glaciers and scarcity of natural resources such as water, trees and animals have caused man difficulties. In some parts of the world, such as Africa, water scarcity is very prevalent (Arriens, 2007). The people there hardly have any water to drink, cook and bath. In the years to come, it has been predicted by several scientists and researchers that water scarcity will be felt in a greater degree. If there is water scarcity, almost all resources will be affected. Lack of water will also deprive man to cultivate the soil and plant fruits, vegetables and rich thus there will be food shortage. Cost of products bought in the market will also rise. The lesser products there are available, the higher is the cost. The fear of man to experience all of these adverse effects is the reason why there has been an increased awareness of the environment, which I believe is just right. Man needs to protect and preserve the blessings of nature in order to live longer and enjoy life better.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impact of Stroke Case Study

Impact of Stroke Case Study Introduction Jithra is now 68 years of age. Her family consists of husband, daughter, nephew and nephews wife. She has been living with left side hemiplegia caused by stroke since she was 64. As this interview went, Jithra was holding her daughters hand and slowly elaborated her word by word experience in tears. Before an episode of stroke damaged the right side of her brain and put her in bed for the rest of her life, Jithra was living a life of a healthy person. She stated that poverty and debt were the most important factors that motivated her to wake up at 4:30 am on regular basis in order to prepare food and beverage for her respective customers who kindly supported her small restaurant. A strong belief that she did not have any health issue strengthened by the fact that an annual physical check-up was so expensive disguised Jithra from realising how essential it was to have her blood pressure and blood glucose level regularly monitored when she aged. As now that she spends her activities of daily living in bed, pressure sore has become the main concern for both Jithra and her family. Though Jithra does not complain of soreness, redness on skin does indicate that some areas need attention. This essay will provide an overview understanding of stroke and its negative effects posed on Jithra. Furthermore, this essay will emphasise on the intervention and prevention of pressure ulcer in depth. Understand Stroke According to World Health Organization (2014), stroke occurs when there is an interruption of the blood supply to a part of the brain. Stroke can be divided into two major types. The first type is called haemorrhagic stroke. This type of stroke accounts for approximately 13 percent of all strokes (Brown Edward, 2012). It results from bleeding into the brain tissue. The bleeding caused by a rupture of blood vessels results in the leakage of blood into the brain impairing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients. Haemorrhagic stroke can be caused by a number of disorders affecting the blood vessels. Some of which are long-standing high blood pressure and cerebral aneurysms, a thin or weak spot on a blood vessel wall. The weak spots that cause aneurysms are usually present at birth. The development of aneurysms happens over a number of years and don’t usually cause detectable problems until they break (Stroke Foundation, 2014). Jithra’s daughter stated that Jithra complained of headache and nausea approximately 48 hours, especially during periods of activity, before an episode of stroke occurred. Headache particularly distinguishes haemorrhagic stroke from ischaemic stroke. Its other symptoms also include nausea, vomiting, decreased level of consciousness, neurological deficits and hypertension (Brown Edward, 2012). The second type is called ischaemic stroke. It accounts for approximately 85 percent of all strokes. According to Brown and Edward (2012), this type of stroke occurs as the result of partial or complete obstruction, caused by a blood clot, of a blood vessel that supplies blood to the brain. This leads to an insufficient of oxygen supply and glucose needed for cellular metabolism. A clot may be formed by means of embolism or thrombosis. Both types of clotting formations can be differentiated by their characteristics. The term embolism in relation to stroke is characterised by a condition where an embolus is created in one part of the brain or the body, circulates in the bloodstream, and eventually blocks the flow of blood through a vessel in another part of the brain (Crosta, 2009). This is called embolic stroke. On the other hand, the term thrombosis is characterised by the formation of a clot resulted from fatty deposits or plaque blocking the passage of blood through the artery. Th is type of clot remains in one area of blood vessels without being carried throughout the bloodstream. This is called thrombotic stroke (Brown Edward, 2012). Stroke risk factors There are multiple risk factors associating with stroke as according with (Brown Edward, 2012). The risk factors can be classified into non-modifiable risk factors and modifiable risk factors. Non-modifiable risk factors include age, gender, race and heredity. Modifiable risk factors include diabetes mellitus, heart disease, atrial fibrillation, heavy alcohol consumption, hypercoagulability, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, obesity, physical inactivity, sickle cell disease and smoking. Jithra, at 68, was diagnosed with hypertension or high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus. Age, hypertension and diabetes mellitus have played a key role in contribution to stroke. ‘Stroke risk increases with age, doubling each decade after age 55 (Brown Edward, 2012, p. 1622).’ The rate of atherosclerotic development is usually increased by the stress of a constantly elevated blood pressure. The term atherosclerosis is referred to as hardening of the arteries resulting from the formation of fatty deposits or plaques. The narrowing of the blood vessels is its consequence. The carotid artery in the neck is a common site where these plaques develop and tend to break away and lodge in the vessels of the brain (Sander, 2013). Likewise, diabetes mellitus increases tendency towards the dysfunction of the inner linings of the blood vessel walls leading to an increase in the tendency towards the development of plaques. In addition, high cholesterol and triglyceride levels are highly likely among people with diabetes mellitus (Brown Edward, 2012, p. 863). Impact of Stroke According to Brown and Edward (2012), stroke is a leading cause of serious, long-term disability. Jithra has been living with left side paralysis since she was 64 as a consequence of stroke. Immobility and the weakness in Jithra’s right arm and leg are the key limitations. She relies greatly on her family members when repositioning in bed is attempted and a combination of self-care abilities and activities of daily living, such as eating or drinking, are performed. Dysarthria, a disturbance in the muscular control of speech, is also experienced. Impairment may involve pronunciation, articulation and phonation. This helps explaining why Jithra feels uncomfortable communicating with strangers. As the interview went, a sudden change in emotion was spotted. Persons who have had a stroke may have difficulty controlling their emotions. Emotional responses may be exaggerated or unpredictable (Brown Edward, 2012, p. 1628).The daughter said that Jithra sometimes cried without any reas on. The interchanging between laughing and crying took only minutes to do so. Besides pressure, shearing force, friction and excessive moisture contribute to pressure ulcer formation (Maklebust Sieggreen, 2001). As mentioned above that Jithra is bed-bound and greatly relies on her family members when repositioning is attempted, manual handling is used in order to lift and move her around the bed. However, the incorrect techniques combined with non-supportive equipment, such as sliding sheet, have put the maintenance of Jithra’s skin integrity becomes much more difficult. Pressure Ulcer According to Sydney South West (2008, p. 4), pressure ulcers are defined as â€Å"any lesion caused by unrelieved pressure when soft tissue is compressed between a bony prominence and an external surface for a prolonged period.† Factors that influence the development of pressure ulcers include the intensity of the pressure; the length of time the pressure is exerted on the skin; and the ability of the tissue to tolerate the externally applied pressure. Intrinsic factors that put Jithra at risk in developing pressure ulcers consist of advanced age, malnutrition and diabetes mellitus. Extrinsic factors include pressure, shear and moisture Sydney South West (2008). Intervention Although the skin remains intact, the appearance of persistent redness, particularly in sacrum, followed by itchy sensation indicates that stage one pressure ulcer has already developed. Stage one pressure ulcer can be intervened as referred to pressure ulcer intervention guidelines (Jones, 2013) by strictly maintaining the skin integrity. This can be done by relieving the externally applied pressure, protecting fragile skin and bony prominence, preventing friction and shearing and protecting skin from moisture. In relieving the externally applied pressure, a regime of repositioning combined with the use of pressure relieving devices has already been utilised by Jithra’s daughter. However, it might not be enough in terms of the frequency. The frequency of repositioning depends on the ability of the tissue to tolerate the externally applied pressure. In this case, Jithra should move or be repositioned frequently enough in allowing reddened area of affected skin to recover from the effects of pressure. A turn clock may be a helpful reminder of correct body positions and appropriate turning times. Additionally, a 30-degree side lying position may well be utilised for Jithra as it diverts pressure from the sacrum. Maintaining a 30-degree side lying position can simply be done by using pillow or foam positioning wedges. However, lying on the side may increase pressure on extremities, especially knees and ankles. Placing pillows between the legs helps preventing opposing knees and ankles fr om exerting pressure on one another (Maklebust Sieggreen, 2001). In protecting fragile skin and bony prominence, an appropriate support surfaces shall be used and yet its cost has to be taken into consideration. Poverty and debt make it very difficult for Jithra to afford buying or renting them. ‘Charges can range from $24 to purchase a foam overlay to a daily rental fee of $125 for a highly technical therapy bed (Maklebust Sieggreen, 2001, p. 75).’ Regardless of the variations in price, There is no scientific evidence that one support surface consistently works better than any others. Nevertheless, pressure points require protection whether at risk persons are in a bed or on a chair. Using pillows to bridge vulnerable areas, again simple, is an effective way to eliminate pressure. A regime of repositioning, together with the use of pillows has proved to be highly effective in protecting fragile skin and bony prominence. In preventing Jithra from friction and shearing, a family education on how friction and shearing occur and correct usage of manual handling techniques and appropriate equipment shall be provided. Shear is greatest when a caregiver drags an at risk person along the surface of the sheets during repositioning or allows the person to slide from high-fowler’s position. In order to minimise shearing force, the head of the bed shall not be raised exceeding a 30 degree angle, unless the patient is eating. Furthermore, friction, a precursor of shear, is commonly caused by pulling a patient across the bed linen. Rubbing the protective layer of skin away increases the potential for deeper tissue damage. Excessive moisture may be the result of sweating, wound drainage, soaking during bathing and faecal and urinary incontinence. Moist skin is five times as likely to become ulcerated as dry skin. The intervention guidelines suggested that protecting skin from moisture can be done by using continence management systems, using barrier skin cream to prevent skin maceration and keeping the site clean and dry. Living in a hot and humid country like Thailand may put Jithra at a higher risk of developing pressure ulcer due to sweating. Thailand normally has its temperature sitting at around 30 degree Celsius. Two fans, together with the application of baby powder are used in maintaining the dryness of Jithra’s skin. Recommendation According to Jones (2013), it is highly recommended that risk assessments must be done on Jithra by using the Waterlow scale. In doing so, her body mass index is required. The scale will give a score which helps identifying if Jithra is at risk, high risk or very high risk in developing pressure ulcers. Therefore, repositioning regime can be precisely arranged in order to ensure optimum pressure redistribution. Manual handling, together with the use of equipment such as hoists or slide sheets, effectively helps avoiding shear and friction. Education on the use of the mentioned equipment shall also be provided. A dietician shall be involved in discussing knowledge of healthy diet and considering the need for food fortification and nutritional supplements. Make sure that Jithra consumes adequate fibre and well hydrated as she is more prone to constipation due to immobility. Conclusion This can be concluded that the maintenance of skin integrity plays a key role in avoiding the development of pressure ulcers. Being rich or poor might not be the factors in treating and preventing pressure ulcers. This essay has shown how beneficial it is to have carers or family members who strictly put pressure ulcer intervention and prevention guidelines into practice to look after Jithra. The mattress that Jithra lays her body on might not be the best that the family can afford but frequently turning and maintaining dry skin have proved in lowering the risk of developing pressure ulcers. Only stage one pressure ulcer developed though, Jithra has been suffering from disability for 4 years. References Brown, D., Edwards, H. (Eds.). (2012). Lewiss medical-surgical nursing: assessment and management of clinical problems. NSW, Australia: Elsevier Australia. Crosta, P. (2009). What Is Embolism? What Are The Different Types Of Embolism?. Medical News Today. Retrieved from Jones, D. (2013). Pressure ulcer prevention in the community setting. Nursing Standard, 28 (3) 47-55. Retrieved from Maklebust, J., Sieggreen, M. (2001). Pressure Ulcers: Guidelines for Prevention and Management (3rd ed.). Pennsylvania, USA: Springhouse Corporation. ONeill, P. A. (2002). Caring for the Older Adult: A Health Promotion Perspective. Pennsylvania, USA: W.B. Saunders Company. Sander, R. (2013). Prevention and treatment of acute ischaemic stroke. Nursing Older People, 25(8), 34-39. Scott, K., Webb, M., Sorrentino, S., Gorek, B. (Eds.). (2006). Long-term care assisting: Aged care and disability. NSW, Australia: Elsevier Australia. Stroke Foundation. (2014). Types of Stroke. Retrieve from Sydney South West Area Health Service. (2007). Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Management. Retrieved from Watkins, C., Leathley, M. (2010). Setting the scene. In Williams, J., Perry, L., Watkins C. (Eds.), Acute Stroke Nursing (pp.1-16). Retrieved from World Health Organization. (2014). Stroke, Cerebrovascular Accident. Retrieved from

Friday, October 25, 2019

Nat Turners Confessions and Frederick Douglass The Heroic Slave Essay

Nat Turner's Confessions and Frederick Douglass' The Heroic Slave The names of Nat Turner and Frederick Douglass are remembered because of the fame that they earned as black Americans during pre-Civil War slave period. However, their names color the pages of history books for widely different reasons: Nat Turner led one of the greatest slave revolts in almost 150 years of slavery, while Frederick Douglass obtained his freedom and education, going on to become a renowned speaker, author, and public leader. Nat Turner's insurrection in Southampton, Virginia in 1831 was a massacre of over sixty slaveholders and subsequently many slaves as Turner and his alliance of slaves joined together in protest of their enslavement. The story of the revolt, complete with its motives and facts, is recorded in a published document called Nat Turner's Confessions, written by a white lawyer upon interviewing Turner in prison after the insurrection. It is the most accurate and detailed document available on the revolt. Frederick Douglass, on the other hand, after gaining his freedom, published literary works that include his own narrative of his life and some short stories. One of his short stories is a fictional account of a slave revolt called The Heroic Slave. Although it is based on a real life slave revolt, Douglass' work is mostly literary creativity glorifying a strong black leader. By examining the non-fiction document on Turner's revolt and the fiction story written by Douglass, along with variou s aspects of the authors backgrounds, conditions under slavery, and education, this page compares and contrasts the fiction versus non-fiction characteristics of slave revolts. We only know about the childhoods of Douglass and Turner through a... ... a white man, I would have followed willingly and gladly in any honorable enterprise. Our difference of color was the only ground for difference of action." (The Heroic Slave-77) This reveals to the reader the importance to the white mans, the idea of being white and of racial purity. Although this man reveals that Madison was a smart and admirable man, he can not respect him because he is black. References Douglass, Frederick. The Heroic Slave. In Violence In the Black Imagination. Ed, Ronald T. Takaki. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. Greenberg, Kenneth S., ed.The Confessions Of Nat Turner. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996. Sale, Maggie. "To Make The Past Useful: Frederick Douglass' Politics of Solidarity." Arizona Quarterly 52.3 (Autumn 1995):25-60. Online. Internet. 12 Nov 1998. Available:

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Ways in Which Mansfield Presents Leila’s Thoughts and Feelings About the Ball:

Mansfield describes a young lady first introduction to society. She describes the young girl’s emotions and excitement in a way that submerges the readers in Leila’s fantasy world, with a lot of different feelings and emotions. Mansfield wrote this story with third omniscient person. This gives the reader the opportunity to see and know Leila’s feelings, thoughts, the atmosphere, etc. Mansfield illustrated a colourful, rich fairy tale as Leila’s world. The reader can sense how Leila’s perception of the balls seems a dreamlike event.The story begins with a description of Leila’s feelings as it was her first ball. She feels mostly joy and excited. She feels mostly joy and excited, because for her â€Å"Every single thing was so new and exciting†. Even though the ball has nearly started she was sure â€Å"She would remember (the ball) for ever†. Her desire and impatience to dance is felt when she is in the cab passing by â€Å"wal tzing lamp-posts and houses and fences, and trees†. It creates a mental image of the cab dancing a waltz with the trees, houses, and fences throughout their journey to the ball.This shows how Leila is wondering how the ball is going to be, and how she looks forward to it. Mansfield creation of a dream world is revealed in Leila’s views of everything. It gives the impression that she look at everything with wide eyes and astonishment. This can be seen in the simple common details, such as â€Å"Meg’s tuberoses, Jose’s long loop of amber, Laura’s little dark head†. Everything is seen by her as most charming and extraordinary. Yet as she gets to the ball, she becomes extremely nervous but still excited, since she has never experienced anything like this.The reader knows it is her first ball, not just because of the title, also because of the question of the e Sheridan girls â€Å"Have you really never been to a ball before, Leila? † Leila ’s response is not straight forward, but an excuse, which she said it â€Å"softly, opening and shutting her fan†. The fact that the action is written in present continuous shows that the action is happening at that moment and that it is continuous. We can imagine how she is opening, and shutting her fan, continuously, which shows her nervousness.Apparently, Leila’s heart is beating fast, this is specially evoke when â€Å"she tried not to smile too much; she tried not to care†. There was something that promotes this emotion and the reader can locate it at the part where Leila wonders of thoughts about the ball through completely unrelated objects, such as â€Å"the bolster on which her hand rested (which) felt like the sleeve of an unknown young man’s dress†. This shows her nervous feeling and how she looks forward to dance at the same time.When they arrive Leila is still nervous which is emphasized by using imagery, â€Å"A great quiverin g jet of gas lighted the ladies’ room. It couldn’t wait; it was dancing already†. The action of the story starts when Leila arrives at the ball. Everything to her is so magical, as so new. This is emphasized by the exaggerated description of the place, â€Å"The noise was deafening†. (I can’t remember the literature effect’s name. Even though I think it is wrong. ). As we mentioned before, the simplest thing astonishes her.This time is conveyed by the detailed description of what is happening on the Ladies’ room. One clear example, is the description of how â€Å"Dark girls, fair girls were patting their hair, typing ribbons again, tucking handkerchiefs down the fronts of their bodies, smoothing marble-white gloves. And because they were all laughing it seemed to Leila that they were all lovely†. The dream-like world idea continues when Leila enters to the drill hall, her excitement and astonishment for everything, made Leila fo rget â€Å"to be shy†, and also to forget how her nervousness was about to made her not go to the ball.This is showed in a flashback when she was â€Å"in the middle of dressing (and) she had sat down on the bed with one shoe off and one show one and begged her mother to ring up her cousins and say she couldn’t go after all†. This whole idea of the fairy- tale world is emphasized with Leila’s thoughts: â€Å"How heavenly; how simple heavenly! † Mansfield compares the ball with heaven which shows Leila’s perfect and magic view of the ball. The rhetorical questions Leila makes throughout the short story emphasizes her naive and her thrill, â€Å"’Am I mean to have one too? †, â€Å"Why didn’t the men begin? What were they waiting for? † The music starts and Leila dances with two different young men. Mansfield uses the dialogue to show Leila’s and her partner thoughts. The fact that the partner â€Å"sounded tired† is a way that Mansfield uses to show the reader that Leila is dancing as if there was no tomorrow. Leila does not care answering to the same questions that every partner asked her, for her â€Å"it was thrilling. Her first ball! †. She just thinks that the ball is magical, majestic and beautiful. (Do you think I should put something more in here? The climax occurs when Leila begins to dance with the old fat man. Mansfield description of this man is a rupture in the stereotype of the men that have been dancing with Leila. â€Å"when Leila compared him with her other partners he looked shabby†. This gives the reader a clue that this character is going to break Leila’s magic and beautiful world. The fat man upset her by revealing the might-be-true fact of what age could do to her. He says â€Å"long before that you’ll be sitting up there on the stage, looking on, in you nice black velvet.And these pretty arms will have turned into little short fat ones, and you’ll beat time with such a different king of fan-a black bony one†. After this eye-opener of what might be her future, the reader can see how Leila’s thoughts start to turn into pessimistic and how she questions herself, â€Å"Was this first ball only the beginning of her last ball, after all? †. The falling action occurs when â€Å"the music seemed to change; it sounded sad†. Pathetic fallacy is used by Mansfield with the music to represent Leila’s mood. Leila goes back in to time when â€Å"deep inside her a little girl threw her pinafore over her head and sobbed†.She has stopped dancing and â€Å"didn’t want to dance more†. There are two ways of facing this problem, being pessimistic or optimistic. Suddenly another man asks her to dance with him, and she then has to make a decision. At first Mansfield presents Leila’s decision to dance with the â€Å"young man with curly hair† as a matter of politeness (it sounds a little bit strange, but I don’t know how to say it, â€Å"una cuestion de educacion†), but the magic of the ball makes her forget the whole conversation with the old man. So she decided to choose the second one.When she steps on the dance floor, â€Å"in one minute, in one turn, her feet glided, glided. The light, the azaleas, the dresses, the pink face, the velvet chairs, all became one beautiful flying wheel†. Mansfield joins the end with the starting, by the word play of the words wheel and the cab bowled, â€Å"they bowled†,(I’m not sure if this makes sense), showing the return of the feelings of happiness and joy. She has forgotten totally the harsh conversation that even when she dances again with the old fat man â€Å"She didn’t even recognise him again. † The Ways in Which Mansfield Presents Leila’s Thoughts and Feelings About the Ball: Mansfield describes a young lady first introduction to society. She describes the young girl’s emotions and excitement in a way that submerges the readers in Leila’s fantasy world, with a lot of different feelings and emotions. Mansfield wrote this story with third omniscient person. This gives the reader the opportunity to see and know Leila’s feelings, thoughts, the atmosphere, etc. Mansfield illustrated a colourful, rich fairy tale as Leila’s world. The reader can sense how Leila’s perception of the balls seems a dreamlike event.The story begins with a description of Leila’s feelings as it was her first ball. She feels mostly joy and excited. She feels mostly joy and excited, because for her â€Å"Every single thing was so new and exciting†. Even though the ball has nearly started she was sure â€Å"She would remember (the ball) for ever†. Her desire and impatience to dance is felt when she is in the cab passing by â€Å"wal tzing lamp-posts and houses and fences, and trees†. It creates a mental image of the cab dancing a waltz with the trees, houses, and fences throughout their journey to the ball.This shows how Leila is wondering how the ball is going to be, and how she looks forward to it. Mansfield creation of a dream world is revealed in Leila’s views of everything. It gives the impression that she look at everything with wide eyes and astonishment. This can be seen in the simple common details, such as â€Å"Meg’s tuberoses, Jose’s long loop of amber, Laura’s little dark head†. Everything is seen by her as most charming and extraordinary. Yet as she gets to the ball, she becomes extremely nervous but still excited, since she has never experienced anything like this.The reader knows it is her first ball, not just because of the title, also because of the question of the e Sheridan girls â€Å"Have you really never been to a ball before, Leila? † Leila ’s response is not straight forward, but an excuse, which she said it â€Å"softly, opening and shutting her fan†. The fact that the action is written in present continuous shows that the action is happening at that moment and that it is continuous. We can imagine how she is opening, and shutting her fan, continuously, which shows her nervousness.Apparently, Leila’s heart is beating fast, this is specially evoke when â€Å"she tried not to smile too much; she tried not to care†. There was something that promotes this emotion and the reader can locate it at the part where Leila wonders of thoughts about the ball through completely unrelated objects, such as â€Å"the bolster on which her hand rested (which) felt like the sleeve of an unknown young man’s dress†. This shows her nervous feeling and how she looks forward to dance at the same time.When they arrive Leila is still nervous which is emphasized by using imagery, â€Å"A great quiverin g jet of gas lighted the ladies’ room. It couldn’t wait; it was dancing already†. The action of the story starts when Leila arrives at the ball. Everything to her is so magical, as so new. This is emphasized by the exaggerated description of the place, â€Å"The noise was deafening†. (I can’t remember the literature effect’s name. Even though I think it is wrong. ). As we mentioned before, the simplest thing astonishes her.This time is conveyed by the detailed description of what is happening on the Ladies’ room. One clear example, is the description of how â€Å"Dark girls, fair girls were patting their hair, typing ribbons again, tucking handkerchiefs down the fronts of their bodies, smoothing marble-white gloves. And because they were all laughing it seemed to Leila that they were all lovely†. The dream-like world idea continues when Leila enters to the drill hall, her excitement and astonishment for everything, made Leila fo rget â€Å"to be shy†, and also to forget how her nervousness was about to made her not go to the ball.This is showed in a flashback when she was â€Å"in the middle of dressing (and) she had sat down on the bed with one shoe off and one show one and begged her mother to ring up her cousins and say she couldn’t go after all†. This whole idea of the fairy- tale world is emphasized with Leila’s thoughts: â€Å"How heavenly; how simple heavenly! † Mansfield compares the ball with heaven which shows Leila’s perfect and magic view of the ball. The rhetorical questions Leila makes throughout the short story emphasizes her naive and her thrill, â€Å"’Am I mean to have one too? †, â€Å"Why didn’t the men begin? What were they waiting for? † The music starts and Leila dances with two different young men. Mansfield uses the dialogue to show Leila’s and her partner thoughts. The fact that the partner â€Å"sounded tired† is a way that Mansfield uses to show the reader that Leila is dancing as if there was no tomorrow. Leila does not care answering to the same questions that every partner asked her, for her â€Å"it was thrilling. Her first ball! †. She just thinks that the ball is magical, majestic and beautiful. (Do you think I should put something more in here? The climax occurs when Leila begins to dance with the old fat man. Mansfield description of this man is a rupture in the stereotype of the men that have been dancing with Leila. â€Å"when Leila compared him with her other partners he looked shabby†. This gives the reader a clue that this character is going to break Leila’s magic and beautiful world. The fat man upset her by revealing the might-be-true fact of what age could do to her. He says â€Å"long before that you’ll be sitting up there on the stage, looking on, in you nice black velvet.And these pretty arms will have turned into little short fat ones, and you’ll beat time with such a different king of fan-a black bony one†. After this eye-opener of what might be her future, the reader can see how Leila’s thoughts start to turn into pessimistic and how she questions herself, â€Å"Was this first ball only the beginning of her last ball, after all? †. The falling action occurs when â€Å"the music seemed to change; it sounded sad†. Pathetic fallacy is used by Mansfield with the music to represent Leila’s mood. Leila goes back in to time when â€Å"deep inside her a little girl threw her pinafore over her head and sobbed†.She has stopped dancing and â€Å"didn’t want to dance more†. There are two ways of facing this problem, being pessimistic or optimistic. Suddenly another man asks her to dance with him, and she then has to make a decision. At first Mansfield presents Leila’s decision to dance with the â€Å"young man with curly hair† as a matter of politeness (it sounds a little bit strange, but I don’t know how to say it, â€Å"una cuestion de educacion†), but the magic of the ball makes her forget the whole conversation with the old man. So she decided to choose the second one.When she steps on the dance floor, â€Å"in one minute, in one turn, her feet glided, glided. The light, the azaleas, the dresses, the pink face, the velvet chairs, all became one beautiful flying wheel†. Mansfield joins the end with the starting, by the word play of the words wheel and the cab bowled, â€Å"they bowled†,(I’m not sure if this makes sense), showing the return of the feelings of happiness and joy. She has forgotten totally the harsh conversation that even when she dances again with the old fat man â€Å"She didn’t even recognise him again. †

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Rape Shield Laws and Kobe Bryant Case essays

Rape Shield Laws and Kobe Bryant Case essays Colorado Rape Shield Laws and the Kobe Bryant Case Laws in forty-nine states limit the use of a victim's prior sexual history as an attempt to undermine the credibility of the victim=s testimony. Arizona is the only state that does not have these laws in place, which are referred to as rape shield laws. One state that has been surrounded by much controversy as of late is the state of Colorado with the notorious Kobe Bryant case. It was not until the 1970's that most states enacted the Rape Shield Law to ease the emotional burden of rape victims who testified in court. ALate in 1978, the United States Congress followed this trend and enacted Rule 412 of the Federal Rules of Evidence@ (Womens Issues). Rule 412 states that evidence used to prove the victim engaged in other sexual behavior, or evidence to prove any victim=s past sexual history, is generally inadmissible in any civil or criminal trials involving alleged sexual misconduct. This law may or may not be a good thing. If a lawyer tries to question victims about their sexual past, it will tend to humiliate them and make them want to drop the charges. If the victims know that they are going to be questioned about the number of people they have had sex with, how often they have sex, or what their preferences are, most people would not feel comfortable answering the questions, especially with family and friends in the courtroom supporting them. The defending attorney knows and loves this fact. If victims are humiliated and drop the charges, it is a win for the defense. On the other hand, it has been almost thirty years since the law was introduced. A lot has changed in those thirty years. People are a lot more open about sex and their sexual views. ADue to this and the increasing awareness of rape, there are some people who believe that the Rape Shield Law is no longer necessary and should be repealed. Some of these people believe that the rape shield law ...